Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Suggessions to CCIM & AYUSH
Suggestions to stake holders
of CCIM & Ayush
From – Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande ,Pune ,India
           For Contact --- Mobile – 0091 922 68 10 630
           Mail ID ---

Dear Friends ,will you please ask your office to at least acknowledge this mail & as per time permits try to answer the following points

1) CCIM & Ayush expect the Academic planner from PG Teachers & Time tables from UG .Then why not CCIM & Ayush should declare their Administrative planner like Dates to visit colleges for Inspection in 2012 or 2013 etc ? Why they do not declare dates for different meetings with Agenda ? e.g Meeting of Executive council to discuss ABC ?So that any interested teacher or Medical Practioner of Ayush can send some opinions by mail .
2) Web site of CCIM & Ayush should put immediately Subject wise  List of Teachers with name of college,Designation,Mobile number ,Mail ID .This is very much essential to communicate to each other for Academic Discussions,Planning & Progress.
3) While displaying new syllabus of UG & PG ,there should be some specific pattern .( See the pattern displayed today on 4-8-12).Pattern will be like mentioning Years like 1 BAMS,2nd BAMS ,3rd BAMS etc & then subjects of those year sequentially
4) Below the syllabus of each subject Print ‘List of Books available (of that subject) in Indian market with the name of Publisher with contact number or mail .Display all available books from North to South & East to West .Do not keep formality of Sanctioning Books by Committee of CCIM .Other wise there  are lot chances of too many formalities & may be chances of Malpractises ,using Influence etc.Let readers should decide ,which book is Good & which is bad ?
5) Keep one section on website of CCIM & Ayush as FAQ s ( Frequently Asked Questions) -- & Stake holders can answer these Questions by Legal Proofs .Present Questions are – i) Whether MS(Shalya,Shalakya) can perform surgery ?Which Surgeries ? In which state Yes & Which state NO? ii) Whether MS (Ayurvedic Sri roga & Prasuti Tantra ) can do procedures like Caesarian section etc? etc etc --- I am sending some attachments of different statues explaining different rites – Actually these attachments should be put on web site of CCIM & Ayush
6) CCIM & Ayush also must put all Acts on their website by explaining them in simple Language ( Transcription from Legal to common man Language – Like making Abstract of Laws or Acts )
7) Any Research activity should be Retrospective – In spite of taking any formula haphazardly from Ayurvedic Compendia --- why not collect data or successful Formulae from Living Legends of Ayurveda & work on them ?
8) Expectation from Siddhant Dept & Sanskrit Experts --- All Bruhat & Laghu Trayi should be published with Sandhi & Samas Vigraha.Also all commentaries should also be published with sandhi Samas Vigraha & English Translations .This will simplify Ayurved for understanding & average students also can try to look into Basic Ayurvedic Texts.This work will reduce the Phobia of Sanskrit
9) CCIM should make mandatory to all medical Universities throughout India that they should follow Ditto Syllabus ,Time Table & Question paper pattern suggested by CCIM
10) There should be maximum one Visit having Inspection committee ,comprising of Representatives of CCIM,Ayush,Govt & MUHS  ,with only one proforma .This will save lot of Money ,Energy & Time of Field workers in Education System(Principal,Teachers,Students etc) .There should not be demand of same documents again & again --- Every time Statues of Parent Institue,Approvals of Teachers ,-- E filing should be started & only changed or updated Information should be asked in hard copies -- .!!--- I hope all of you know present situation – Every after 2 months – different Committee ,with different proforma .Then Files of nearly 1500 pages & that too 6 Packs like this for each committee – When we are going to stop this & why we are not familiar with eTechnology ?
11) Why Publications of Books & CDs are not available at the nook & corner of India ? for purchasing by colleges & individuals ?CCRAS  must see the convenience of Purchaser .The list of publications should also be included in UG & PG syllabus of CCIM(on net & as a hard copy)
12)  CCRAS Research medicines or products must also be available at the nook & corner of India .Then only Medical Practitioner will know about it & will use it .Whether Ayush has made any research How many % medical practitioners are using Research proven drugs of CCRAS ?
Is it not shameful that Ayush Doctors  know & use Himalaya ,Baidyanath & Charak products ,but 90% Ayush Doctors even do not know the research proven drugs of CCRAS --- If CCRAS Research is not percolating at the bottom level & is not practically useful --- then is not waste of Karor Rupees property of Indian people ?

Your Ayurvedic Friend

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Ayurvedic Health Spa

Dear Friends

Namaste !! I have very interesting & challenging offer to you .This offer is personally for you first  .But I know that everybody of you very well settled in your service or Practice and you may not be in a mood to think of any Extra than your routine . Then you can forward this mail to N number of people ,who you know very well .If you or any of your friend are interested in this proposal then contact me immediately – 922 68 10 630 .

What is offer ? – To Develop Ayurved & Yoga Health Spa in Kokan,Near Ratnagiri ,Maharashtra state ,with or without Guidance of Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande,Pune

Background for this offer --- Prof.Dr.R.R.deshpande ,is coordinating Activities of Health Spa in spain ,since last 15 years .He himself visiting many European countries .But more Important is he has trained & deputed 10 doctors for 22 times in foreign countries .Some of the names are Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar 6 times ,Dr.Nitin Bhise ( Past student & now Lecturer of CARC) 5 times ,Dr.Jasmin Sant ( Pradhan – Past student of CARC ) 1 time etc

Prof.Deshpande knows very well that European people prefer to visit Ayurvedic Health Spa first to Spain ,followed by Sri Lanka,Kerala & Goa .Basically because of beautiful Lanscape at these places with Quality Ayurvedic service with excellent set up as per expectations of Foreigners.

Maharashtra is little lagging in this aspect of Ayurvedic Health Tourism – Because of less places available with Nature & second is problem of Investment in land & Developing Infrastructure .And here is the opportunity ,Dear friends ,through Dr.Deshpande – One of his friend can provide us Land & Infrastructure -- & then we need Team of dedicated Ayurvedic Doctors & Therapist to develop & run this Ayurvedic Spa .Place is near Ratnagiri ,Kokan,Maharashtra state

So I appeal to all that come forward to take this opportunity make a dream of Great Businessman to run this type of Spa --- So why to wait – Call me --  922 68 10 630  & better me personally to discuss in detail --- waiting for you –

Your Ayurvedic Friend

22-12-12 ( Saturday)