Friday, 5 September 2014

Why to chant --- Ganapati Atharvashirsha ? - By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande,India

Why to chant --- 
Ganapati Atharvashirsha ?

This is sung by many people many times .But very few try to understand the meaning of the words .Scientific base behind those words .Of course even without knowing meaning ,if anybody chants Atharvashirsha by total faith on God & faith in himself ,he or she will also get benefited ,due to positive sound vibrations created by Mantra .This is a type of Bhakti marga in spiritual progress .Specific Sound vibrations created by Chanting Vedic Mantras is the Base of Music Therapy .This Music Therapy is found to be beneficial in the recovery of ICU patients .Unconscious patients can not perceive the meaning of Mantra .But those specific positive sound vibrations show the positive effects .

In these days there are also some people who are interested to understand the logical explanation for doing any spiritual activity .This is Jnyana marga .If they are convinced ,then they are ready to do any ritual.

So here let us understand some Logical explanation for chanting Mantra of Atharvashirsha .As a common sense we must accept that different types of sounds make different effect on body .For example ,if we talk lovingly with anybody ,he responds well but if we  shout on a child or especially young chap ,they bounce back .So Mantra definitely creates positive energy.

Athrvashirsha word itself has specific meaning .This is made up of A + THARVA + Shirsha .Tharva means unstable .Atharva means Stable .Shirsha means head or brain or mind .So by chanting Atharvashirsha regularly can make your brain or mind or thoughts more stable, calm & happy .Chanting of this mantra is like Tonic in this fast life or Hyperactive life style ,to chilled down our senses .

We must consider Ganesh is a symbol of Intelligence & mouse is a symbol of Vices or bad habits .Like mouse enters in house unnoticed likewise bad habits like drinking alcohol or smoking enter in our personality unknowingly .Mouse damages clothes & food grains, similarly bad habits or bad thoughts damages our mind .Ganesh has a control on the mouse, similarly we our Intelligence must keep control on bad habits or bad thoughts.

Remember Intelligence is a specialty of human being .Try to understand this verse

Aahar nidra bhaya maithunam cha saman etat pashubhihi naranam I  Budhihi visheshat tatra II

Meaning of this verse is that Aahar i.e.Food ,Nidra i.e sleep & Bhaya i.e fear are common instincts in beast & human being .But Buddhi i.e Intelligence in  human is a special thing that differs human from beast .

Buddhi or Intelligence only can solve many problems in our life .When Buddhi works ,life is like a heaven .When Buddhi is not working properly ,we do not keep control on our senses or mind ,the life can become hell .

So to keep our mind stable & sharpen our Intelligence, chant Atharvashirsha ,by understanding it’s meaning.

Your Friend



Saturday, 30 August 2014

Ayurved,Yoga ,Panchakarma: Symbolic Meaning of God Ganesha Statue By Prof.Dr....

Ayurved,Yoga ,Panchakarma: Symbolic Meaning of God Ganesha Statue By Prof.Dr....: Symbolic Meaning of God Ganesha Statue By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande Ganesh Festival – 2014  Ganesh is a God of Intelligence .That...

Symbolic Meaning of God Ganesha Statue By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Symbolic Meaning of God Ganesha Statue By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ganesh Festival – 2014

 Ganesh is a God of Intelligence .That is why we worship this God Ganesh at the beginning of every activity in our life like may be beginning of study ,wedding ceremony ,entering in new house etc .By this worship we want to appeal that ‘Please give us such a Intelligence by which we can prevent obstacles or we can overcome them if at all it happens ,’

Statue of God Ganesh also has so many symbolic teachings to us .His face is of Elephant .We know that Elephant is supposed to be Intelligent & strong animal .So we must also try to become strong & Intelligent .Broad forehead is also indicating Intelligence ,because in human body we have all centers of Intelligence( higher functions)  in forehead.Small eyes of Ganesh indicates sharp vision capable to select in between Good & Bad .Big ears teaches us to become  a good listener .Big belly is indicating that God Ganesh can digest many mistakes of human being (& forgive them ).Similarly we should also try to accept the mistakes done by other people & can forgive him to give a chance for improvement .Trunk of elephant  can pick up a beautiful Lotus & at the same time   ,when he becomes furious ,he can uproot even a strongest tree .So we  should also be soft spoken in day to day activities & also should be strong enough to make a lesson to bad people .

While worshiping God Ganesh it will be better if we could understand this aspect & purpose of festival .Otherwise worship can only become mechanical process.

Second point is regarding when we chant Aarti of Ganesh or Atharvashirsha .What is the meaning of this ? Are they only words or have some other sense? Yes ! any prayer has it’s own importance .Prayer is a dialogue with our soul .Prayer is like food of soul .Prayer is a process of Introspection .So it should be more of quite type ,with closed eyes,with sitting in a comfortable position .Prayer is a Meditation .Words in the prayer are like Mantra . Mantra chanting is like Music Therapy .It has a power to clean your mind,removing bad thoughts & implanting smoothening & nourishing thoughts .Prayer is like taking bath or shower to clean your mind & refresh your soul .

Athrvashirsha word itself has specific meaning .This is made up of A + THARVA + Shirsha .Tharva means unstable .Atharva means Stable .Shirsha means head or brain or mind .So by chanting Atharvashirsha regularly can make your brain or mind or thoughts more stable ,calm & happy .Chanting of this mantra is like Tonic in this fast life or Hyperactive life style ,to chilled down our senses .

So let us make Salute to God Ganesh or Power of intelligence !!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Feed Back after Medicine Seminars

Feed Back of Miss Sayali Kulkarni  student of 3rd Year Student of Ayurved College ,Nigdi Pune 44 – After completing my Medicine Seminar Course

Sayali Kulkarni <> wrote:

Respected Sir,
             Attending your medicine classes was really nice experience. Lecture were full of knowledge. Your teaching method was unique so that medicine became very easy to understand. The knowledge you gave is theoretical as well as of clinical importance. Definitely it will be useful in our practice also. Techniques & media used for teaching were good.

             Your classes were revision of discipline ,which made me again regular & punctual. Division of 40 lectures was characteristic. Systemwise study of medicine was really systematic. You gave us Ayurvedic aspect of medicine also. We got the information of latest drugs & Ayurvedic propritory  medicines also. The PPT presentation of ';G.P.'; was of great innovation & interest ; I enjoyed it too. Lectures on ECG were very useful & easy to understand. Basic knowledge , tricks & mnemonics of ECG will help us in diagnosis.

               Your knowledge, clinical experience, teaching skill & valuable guidance will help us to get success in exam & practice also. I am feeling lucky ,who got opportunity to get knowledge from such a knowledgeable person.

                Thank you very much!
                                                                                                - Sayali Kulkarni.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Feed Back of Topper Student

Feed Back of Miss Saroya Renu  student of 3rd Year Student of Ayurved College ,Nigdi Pune 44 – After completing my Medicine Seminar Course
( Saroya Renu remains Topper in MUHS for First & Second BAMS Exam )

Subject: Thank you sir.
From: RENU SAROYA <> Fri, 2 May '14 6:37p

To: You

It was great attending your medicine class and receiving the knowledge which I couldn't have gained from anywhere else.

The classes were very well conducted and with new media of teaching in a very
systematic and organised way.

The syllabus was covered in sequential manner and the knowledge was up to date and  must to know.

The language was simple and easy to understand.

The ECG slide' ll definitely boost an additional plus point in our practice.

The experiences of your own practice you shared with us will definitely be useful for us in our future.

The most important part of the class was that you make us get actively participated by prescribing some homework, conversation and revision.

 The slide on GP was truly a Dr. rrd's brain and was very interesting.

  Thank you sir for sharing your valuable knowledge  and giving your valuable time to us.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Suggestions Given by Prof. Dr. R. R. Deshpande, to Inspection committee during Teacher’s meeting, at MUHS LIC visit on 4th April 2014

1)   MUHS ,should upload Subject wise Teacher’s List ,with E mail ID & Phone number only ( Not with other details like Birth Date, Designation, Approved date etc etc) --- Because this List is meant only for communication for Academic discussions, Sharing experiences ,Knowledge, Skill & also difficulties.

2)   MUHS web site ,should have search Engine like Google that if any one types any word ,all the pages containing this word ,should be seen on the screen as a list ( For example if I type word ‘Sharir kriya’ in the bracket of search Engine – it should show all the pages having the word Sharir Kriya in the web site – Same like Google search )

3)   MUHS web site – should have Section of Academic & Clinical data Base – in which Cloud SYSTEM  should be adopted ,with unlimited storage of Data Base .In this section Excellent work of a person or a Institute or a Ayurvedic Hospital should be made available .It should contain Excellent Videos, Audios,Text, PPTS, Images, Lectures or Interviews of Teachers ,Physicians  from all affiliated Ayurvedic colleges of Maharashtra.

4)   CCIM,MUHS, AYUSH –should avoid the duplication of Documents ,demanded during each visit ,making bulky files of thousands of pages. Better all the Information should be always in CD or DVD format ,as a soft copy.( It can minimize wastage of Papers, Time & Energy) .

5)   MUHS ,should intimate to all teachers through personal mail only about Time Table of BOS or Academic or Senate meetings ,with proposed Agenda or Subjects & must Email & ask ,whether any Teacher want to share or suggest something ,for this particular meeting. ( Any mail can be send to Group of people ,at a time )

6)   CCIM or MUHS ,if want to implement any New resolution or Decision ,then there should be minimum 1 year breathing period for concern Teachers, concern Ayurvedic Colleges for Implimentation. Suppose MUHS has prepared a format for Sharir Kriya Journal in Feb 2014 & send circular asking implementation for the students , who are appearing in Summer 2014.This is very wrong .This circular ,rather should say that it is expected to execute Feb 14 decision ,till Feb 2015 . This is ideal .Why there is so Hurry & worry of Implementation, as if this is decision of Bypass surgery to decide Life & Death?
7)   The last but not least ,if University Authority or Committee members ,receive such type of suggestions ,it is the Accountability ,Humanity & Manners that  concern people ,first should immediately Acknowledge suggestions & also better to Inform the opinions & progress regarding suggestions .Then only any time in future Teachers will keep his enthusiasm to suggest some Good things .If any thing like this will not happen ,the Teacher will be frustrated regarding giving any suggestion & will lose his interest of Interaction with Stake holders or Decision makers .
8)   Please visit my Personal web site –

   Thanks for all .Your Ayurvedic Friend,
                            Ayurved college,Akurdi,Pune 44

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program- Advance Level 2 - By Prpf.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program- Advance Level 2
Day 1
Introduction to Ayurvedic Treatment.  i.e.( Shaman & Shodhan )
Shali Shashtik Pindaswedan

Panchakarma therapy features

Panchakarama therapy indications and operational details.

Day 2
Various types of Snehan
Patra Pottalli Sweda

& Swedan

Indications and Contraindication

Day 3
Vaman  Therapy (Therapeutic emesis)  procedure details.

Vaman  Procedure

Indication and contra indication

Day  4
Virechan  Therapy Details.(Therapeutic purgation)
Virechan  procedure operational demo.

Indication and Contraindications

Day 5
Basti Therapy (Therapeutic enemata) Various types and utility.
Rajayapan Basti
Day  6
Nasaya Procedure (Nasal Instilation)
Pradhaman Nasya and Guda Shunthi Nasya  Nasya

Various Types and indications

Day  7
Rakta Mokshan       (Blood  letting)
Leaches application

Various methods
Venous puncture.

Indications and Precautions.

Day  8
Antiageing and  Rejuvenation Therapy.
Tikta Ksheer Basti
(Basti with medicated milk)

Day 9
Weight management program in Ayurveda
Lekhan Basti

Day  10
a)   Ayurvedic  Joint Care
b)   Ayurvedi c antenatal care (ANC)
Agnikarma  and  Marma Massage

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program Advance Level 1-By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program Advance Level 1

Theory Lectures
Day 1
Types of diseases, Disease promoting factors, Different methods of examination Trividh, Ashthavidha & Dashavidh
Valuka Pottali & Jambir Pinda Sweda,
Day 2
Pathology and Principles of Management of Pranavaha & Annavaha Srotas
Avagaha swed, Samvahan,
Day 3
Pathology and Principles of Management of Udakavaha & Rasavaha Srotas
Padaghat, Katiswed,

Day 4
Pathology and Principles of Management of Raktavaha, Mamsavaha srotas
Dhanyamla Dhara and Dughdha dhara.
Day 5
Pathology and Principles of Management of Medovaha & Asthivaha srotas

Taldharana, Upnaha Swed
Day 6
Pathology and Principles of Management of Majja & Shukravaha Srotas
Yonidhavn, Yoni dhupan, Utter basti,
Day 7
Pathology and Principles of Management of Mutravaha Swedavaha& Purishvah srotas
Mocharas Pichhabasti, Vaitaran Basti
Day 8
Principles and Various modes of Ayurvedic Treatments
Hridbasti and Urobasti
Day 9
Principles of manament of Jwara, Atisara & Raktapitta
Dhumpan and preparation of Dhuma varti
Day 10
Principles of management of Amavata, Sandhivata  & Vatarakta
Therapeutic yoga for Musculoskeletal ailments & Regional massage.

Ayurveda, Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program – Intermediate Level -By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda, Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program –
Intermediate Level

Day 1
Introduction to ‘Dhatu i.e. Body Tissues
Abhyanga in 2 positions.

Functions of Dhatu

Upadhatus or Supportive body tissues

Day 2
Ayurvedic  Immunology
Day 3
Introduction to Mala i.e. waste products.
Synchronal Massage

Ayurved aspect of health and disease

Day 4
Introduction to Srotas i.e. Body channels
Spinal massage & Kati Basti

Day 5
Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Basic principles)
Medicated oil preparation.

Day 6
Ayurvedic Drug formulations –Form of Drugs
Ghee preparation

Important Medicated oils

Day 7
Factors causing Diseases

                 (Total 3-hours)
Nabhi  Basti

Day  8
General features of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala Vitiation
Janu Basti

Day  9
Introduction  to  Marma
Manya  Basti

Day 10
Ayurved and Yoga in stress management.
Shirodhara-Medicated Oil