,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program Advance Level 1
Theory Lectures
Day 1
Types of diseases, Disease promoting
factors, Different methods of examination Trividh, Ashthavidha &
Valuka Pottali & Jambir Pinda
Day 2
Pathology and Principles of Management
of Pranavaha & Annavaha Srotas
Avagaha swed, Samvahan,
Day 3
Pathology and Principles of Management
of Udakavaha & Rasavaha Srotas
Padaghat, Katiswed,
Day 4
Pathology and Principles of Management
of Raktavaha, Mamsavaha srotas
Dhanyamla Dhara and Dughdha dhara.
Day 5
Pathology and Principles of Management
of Medovaha & Asthivaha srotas
Taldharana, Upnaha Swed
Day 6
Pathology and Principles of Management
of Majja & Shukravaha Srotas
Yonidhavn, Yoni dhupan, Utter basti,
Day 7
Pathology and Principles of Management
of Mutravaha Swedavaha& Purishvah srotas
Mocharas Pichhabasti, Vaitaran Basti
Day 8
Principles and Various modes of
Ayurvedic Treatments
Hridbasti and Urobasti
Day 9
Principles of manament of Jwara,
Atisara & Raktapitta
Dhumpan and preparation of Dhuma varti
Day 10
Principles of management of Amavata,
Sandhivata & Vatarakta
Therapeutic yoga for Musculoskeletal
ailments & Regional massage.
Nice curriculum ... and if you are looking for ayurveda nutrition course then IAYTS is the great place