Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Schedule E & Ban for cutting Trees

Dear Friends

Today  I had discussion with Dravyaguna Dept staff from my college of Akurdi Pune on 2 topics as 1) Whether there  are Banned Herbs in Maharashtra ,to use it in Ayurvedic Medicines ,because those species are becoming extinct & which are those ? 2) Whether any herbs or other material require License for manufacturing those medicines .For example Ahiphen .Previously Shankhodar vati or Ahiphenasav were available .But today not .What is the reason ?

So I found that there are not very clear ideas about these 2 topics in the minds of teachers & students & many of them do not have Instant substantial Documents to explain above 2 points.

Then I called my Colleague & friend Dr.Sachin Sarpotdar & requested to find out some references .He immediately searched the matter on Internet & send me 2 PDF files with many pages .Thanks for his instant help. Then I personally Edited few pages from that huge bulk of pages & this compilation I am putting on Blog to have permanent reference to my Teacher & Student friends .

Prof. Dr. R. R.Deshpande

From --- F. No.8-14/2004-FP
Government of India
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Forest Policy Division

All The State Forest Departments and other Concerned Persons

Maharashtra: Felling of trees (Cutting) in private lands is regulated by following three Acts:

(i)            Maharashtra Felling of Tree (Act 1964)

(ii)          Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Preservation of Trees Act, 1975

(iii)         The Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966.

Permission for tree felling and transportation of forest produce is generally given by the concerned Dy. Conservator of Forests under the provisions of the Indian Forest  Act.1927 and the rules made there under namely the Bombay Forest Rules, 1942.

16 species

1)    Hirda (Termanalia chebula),

2)    Teak (Tectona grandis),

3)    Mahuwa (Madhuca latifolia),

4)    Tamarind (Tamarindus indica),

5)    Mango (Mangifera indica),

6)    Jack (Artocerpus integrifolia),

7)    Khair (Acacia catechu),

8)    Sandal (Santalum albam),

9)    Bija (Pterocarpus marsupium),

10) Haldu (Adina cardofolia),

11) Tiwas (Ougelnia dulbergoidies),

12) Ain (Terminalia tomentosa),

13) Kinjal or Kindal (Terminalia paniculata),

14) Anjan (Harduchia binata),

     15)     Jambhul (Syzigium cumini),

     16)   Mangrove

are listed in schedule and permission for felling (Cutting)  and transit is required.

In addition, within the district of  Sindhudurg 8 species-

1) Shisam (Dalbergia latifolia),

2) Shivan (Gmelina arboria),

3)  Nana (Lagrstroemia lanceolata),

4) Behada (Terminalia belerica),

5) Kazra (Strychnes nux vomica),?? Kuchala

6) Bhedus (Euginia zeylanica),

7) Pandhra ain (Terminalia arjuna),

 8) Kajoo(Anacardium occidentale)]

are scheduled and covered under Transit Regulation.

Exempted species under timber transit rules are Babul, Subabul, Prosopis, Eucalyptus,Ashok, Moringa, Phoenix, Chiku, Bhendi, Acacia and Poplar.

Second Reference about –

Legal Status of Ayurvedic Siddha & Unani Medicines –Dept  of Ayush

Schedule E (I) List of Poisonous Substances under the Ayurvedic (including Siddha) and Unani Systems of Medicine


I.              Drugs of vegetable origin

1)    Ahipena --  Papaver somniferurn Linn.
2)    Arka --- Colotropis gigantean (linn.) R. Br. Ex. Ait.
3)    Bhallataka  --- Semecarpus anacardium Linn. f.
4)    Bhanga ---  Cannabis eativa Linn.
5)    Danti ---  Baliospermum montanum Mall. Arg.
6)    Dhattura  -- Datura metal Linn.
7)    Gunj  -- Abrus
8)    Jaipala (Jayapala)  --- Croton tiglium Linn.
9)    Karaveera  --- Rerium indicum Mill.
10) Langali  -- Gloriosa superba Linn.
11) Parasilka Yavani --  Hyocyamus inibar Linn.
12) Snuhi  --- Euphorbia neriifolia Linn.
13) Vatsanabha  -- Acontium chasmanthum Stapfex Holm.
14) Vishmushti  -- Strychnox nuxvolnica Linn.
15) Shringivisha  --- Acontium chasmanthum Stapfex Holm.
II.            Drugs of Animal Origin

Sarpa Visha Snake poison.

III.           Drugs of Mineral Origin

1)    Gauripashna  -- Arsenic
2)    Hartala --  Arseno sulphide
3)    Manahashila  -- Arseno sulphide
4)    Parada  -- Mercury
5)    Rasa Karpura  -- Hydragyri subchloridum
6)    Tuttha  -- Copper sulphate
7)    Hingula --  Cinnabar
8)    Sindura --  Red oxide of lead
9)    Girisindura  -- Red oxide of mercury.

So my Dear Friends ,as per my knowledge ,Ayurvedic  Drug manufacturing companies ,should mention on the label of Medicine ,which contain above said substances .For Example Sanjivani Vati contains Bhallatak .So on the Packing of Sanjivani ,there should be mention of Schedule E & it should be sold only with Ayurvedic Doctor’s Prescription.Am I right ?

Our Ayurvedic students should be told of above 2 points ,very specifically .They should be given ready made list of Ayurvedic Medicines ,which contain above said substances

Please share your  thoughts ,with regards to above said 2 points

Or call me – 922 68 10 630


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