Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program- Advance Level 2 - By Prpf.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program- Advance Level 2
Day 1
Introduction to Ayurvedic Treatment.  i.e.( Shaman & Shodhan )
Shali Shashtik Pindaswedan

Panchakarma therapy features

Panchakarama therapy indications and operational details.

Day 2
Various types of Snehan
Patra Pottalli Sweda

& Swedan

Indications and Contraindication

Day 3
Vaman  Therapy (Therapeutic emesis)  procedure details.

Vaman  Procedure

Indication and contra indication

Day  4
Virechan  Therapy Details.(Therapeutic purgation)
Virechan  procedure operational demo.

Indication and Contraindications

Day 5
Basti Therapy (Therapeutic enemata) Various types and utility.
Rajayapan Basti
Day  6
Nasaya Procedure (Nasal Instilation)
Pradhaman Nasya and Guda Shunthi Nasya  Nasya

Various Types and indications

Day  7
Rakta Mokshan       (Blood  letting)
Leaches application

Various methods
Venous puncture.

Indications and Precautions.

Day  8
Antiageing and  Rejuvenation Therapy.
Tikta Ksheer Basti
(Basti with medicated milk)

Day 9
Weight management program in Ayurveda
Lekhan Basti

Day  10
a)   Ayurvedic  Joint Care
b)   Ayurvedi c antenatal care (ANC)
Agnikarma  and  Marma Massage

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program Advance Level 1-By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda ,Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program Advance Level 1

Theory Lectures
Day 1
Types of diseases, Disease promoting factors, Different methods of examination Trividh, Ashthavidha & Dashavidh
Valuka Pottali & Jambir Pinda Sweda,
Day 2
Pathology and Principles of Management of Pranavaha & Annavaha Srotas
Avagaha swed, Samvahan,
Day 3
Pathology and Principles of Management of Udakavaha & Rasavaha Srotas
Padaghat, Katiswed,

Day 4
Pathology and Principles of Management of Raktavaha, Mamsavaha srotas
Dhanyamla Dhara and Dughdha dhara.
Day 5
Pathology and Principles of Management of Medovaha & Asthivaha srotas

Taldharana, Upnaha Swed
Day 6
Pathology and Principles of Management of Majja & Shukravaha Srotas
Yonidhavn, Yoni dhupan, Utter basti,
Day 7
Pathology and Principles of Management of Mutravaha Swedavaha& Purishvah srotas
Mocharas Pichhabasti, Vaitaran Basti
Day 8
Principles and Various modes of Ayurvedic Treatments
Hridbasti and Urobasti
Day 9
Principles of manament of Jwara, Atisara & Raktapitta
Dhumpan and preparation of Dhuma varti
Day 10
Principles of management of Amavata, Sandhivata  & Vatarakta
Therapeutic yoga for Musculoskeletal ailments & Regional massage.

Ayurveda, Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program – Intermediate Level -By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda, Yoga & Panchakarma Training Program –
Intermediate Level

Day 1
Introduction to ‘Dhatu i.e. Body Tissues
Abhyanga in 2 positions.

Functions of Dhatu

Upadhatus or Supportive body tissues

Day 2
Ayurvedic  Immunology
Day 3
Introduction to Mala i.e. waste products.
Synchronal Massage

Ayurved aspect of health and disease

Day 4
Introduction to Srotas i.e. Body channels
Spinal massage & Kati Basti

Day 5
Ayurvedic Pharmacology (Basic principles)
Medicated oil preparation.

Day 6
Ayurvedic Drug formulations –Form of Drugs
Ghee preparation

Important Medicated oils

Day 7
Factors causing Diseases

                 (Total 3-hours)
Nabhi  Basti

Day  8
General features of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala Vitiation
Janu Basti

Day  9
Introduction  to  Marma
Manya  Basti

Day 10
Ayurved and Yoga in stress management.
Shirodhara-Medicated Oil

Monday, 10 March 2014

Ayurved,Yoga ,Panchakarma: Ayurveda , Yoga & Panchakarma Training Programme ...

Ayurved,Yoga ,Panchakarma: Ayurveda , Yoga & Panchakarma Training Programme ...: Ayurveda , Yoga & Panchakarma Training Programme  -- Basic Course Day s Theory Lectures Practical ...

Ayurveda , Yoga & Panchakarma Training Programme -- Basic Course -- By Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

Ayurveda , Yoga & Panchakarma Training Programme  -- Basic Course

Day s
Theory Lectures
1st Day
Introduction, aim & objectives, Definition of Ayurveda
Constitution analysis and Questionnaire and interview training

Concept of health  in Ayurveda

Relevance of Ayurveda in 21st century

2nd Day
Specialty Branches of Ayurveda
Shiro   Abhyanga 

Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda-Theory of Five elements  & Tridosha Siddhanta

Samanya  Vishesh Siddhanta

3rd Day
Tridosha Theory Elaboration
Abhyanga  & Swedana

Vata   Physiology

Significance of Vata in the body.

Vata  pacifying  Therapies

4th Day
Pitta  Physiology
Netra Basti &  Netra  Tarapan

Significance of Pitta In the body.

Piita pacifying therapeutic modalities.

5th Day
Kapha  Physiology
Udvartan, Lepa

Significance of Kapha  in the body

Kapha pacifying therapeutic modalities.

6th  day
Ayurvedic  aspect of  Diet, Types of Food  components
Kaval , Gandush

Influencing factors on digestion
Indian Cooking Principles and Some Recipes.

Concept  of Agni and its various types

Meal  Management and Diet Planning  with dietary  counseling

7th  Day
Sensory and Motor organs and their Physiology.
Karnapuran,  Anjan

Mind and its functions

8th  Day
Yoga as a science of Spirituality.

Yoga  Postures  and  Pranayam  training

Ashtanga   Yoga

9th day
Daily regimen & Seasonal Impact on body functions.
Matra  Basti

Season al lifestyle adaptation and  modification

Impact of age on body functions

10th   Day
Three pillars of Life (Trayopa stambha)
Facial massage and Face pack application, Padabhyanga

Natural urges  and their physiological role

Concept of   Beauty as per Ayurveda.


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